.             Photo by//University of Rochester 

What are eating disorders?
Eating disorders are serious health conditions that involve problems in how one thinks about food, eating ,body weight, shape and eating behaviour which later affects physical and mental health.
What causes eating disorders?
The exact cause of eating disorders is not known but there might be different causes such as genetics where people may have genes that increase risk of developing eating disorder and biological factors.
What are the eating disorders?
According to Mayo Clinic Family Health Book the eating disorders include Anorexia, ,Bulimia, Binge-eating disorder and restrictive food intake disorder.
What is Anorexia?
This is an eating disorder which involves using extreme efforts to control weight, shape, and severely limiting calories or cutting out certain kinds of food or food groups.
What is Bulimia?
This is an eating disorder which is life threatening as it involves episodes of bingeing commonly followed by episodes of purging.Bingeing is eating an extremely large amount of food in a short period of time and later feeling guilty and shame which leads to purging which involves vomiting,exercising too much and not eating for a period of time.
What is binge-eating disorder?
This is a disorder which involves eating food in a short amount of time,rapidly even when not hungry  and it feels like there is no control over eating and it is not followed by purging.
What is restrictive food intake disorder?
This involves extremely limited eating due to not being interested in eating or preference of food type, texture, smell, colour or taste for having fear of choking,vomiting or worrying about stomach problems.
What are the effects of eating disorders?
Due to these eating disorders,one may become overweight, underweight or have suicidal thoughts, depression, relationship problems, substance use disorders and anxiety.
 How does one prevent eating disorders?
There is no sure way of preventing eating disorders  but one can take steps to develop healthy eating habits like choosing healthy diet, avoiding dietary supplements , getting enough physical activity and seeking help for mental issues.
